Employee monitoring: how can a manager not shatter trust?

3 min readAug 18, 2022


application for work

Companies had already passed the moment when they were forced to adjust the work to the remote format. Employees have adapted to working online, but managers fear that the team may be hacking or not working at total capacity. Are more organizations using technology to keep track of their employees? Has the use of employee monitoring software gone too far, creating a culture of conflict and distrust? Managers should carefully consider the implications of using employee monitoring software and adopt a collaborative approach to implementing it with their employees.

The impact of time tracking on processes in the company

Companies are noticing positive changes when tracking productivity. For example, when specific tasks take too long, they are outsourced to improve business efficiency and allow employees to focus on solving essential tasks. Performance tracking technology also allows employees to demonstrate their hard work and ability to work autonomously. The contradiction between performance tracking technology and macro-level monitoring arises when tracking individual indicators. Individual employees are encouraged to focus on tasks rather than people, which leads to conflicts.

Corporate Culture Sustainability

Building a culture of trust is critical to the success of a team. When colleagues understand and respect each intention, minor disagreements are easier to ignore or resolve. Good things happen when employees, leaders, and values ​​are aligned, when employees believe they share the same values and are committed to achieving common goals. An organization that follows employees too closely risks violating their established trust.

Transparent communication within the company

A clear understanding of how data is generated and how it will be used is critical when implementing any technology. Leaders need to ensure that employees have the opportunity to raise concerns or ask questions if they feel data is being misused. In short, transparent communication and training are critical.

Flexible work models have enabled many organizations to change their work in 2020. Some workers are more efficient than ever, thanks to flexible work patterns. As we approach 2023, leaders should consider whether over-controlling work will cause distrust and demotivation, given that organizations need their employees to be interconnected and engaged.

Report of Yaware TimeTracker (screenshot)

Nevertheless, companies should consider introducing a time tracker as a justified step. Employers can monitor their employees to ensure that they are working productively and efficiently, as well as for ethically worthwhile purposes, such as caring for their employees’ physical health and psychological well-being. IT tools can be used to identify employees in need of additional assistance. But if your company decides to monitor employees, it is essential to do with the utmost respect for each team member and adequate communication.

Instead of conclusions

Companies that have decided to implement employee monitoring should understand why they are doing this and what results they want to achieve. After understanding the goals and objectives, the next stage is communication with the team. When you know why you are doing it, it is easy to explain this to employees. In most cases, companies have formed a goal not only to receive financial benefits from implementing employee monitoring. But also to help those team members who have specific difficulties in organizing the working day and face burnout. There are times when management has suspicions about possible layoffs or dishonest work of one of the staff.

Does the company cross the threshold of trust and non-conflict? Probably not. The company’s task is to adequately and fairly evaluate an employee’s efforts, be aware of what is happening in the company at the moment, and communicate with the team. Because the “trust but verify” rule works in everyday life and business, where every step also has consequences.




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