Employee management software helps you make better use of your workday

3 min readSep 9, 2022


Is your work day often out of control? You start doing a lot every day but lose your way, focusing on unimportant tasks and putting things off until later. How to take control of your time? If general productivity lists don’t work, we’ll tell you about productivity techniques that you can adapt to your personality and profession.

3 principles of productivity

The 3 principles of productivity can be adapted to any profession. Since each work day is unique, these rules will help you feel better and achieve more success simultaneously (even if you don’t think so).

  1. Small steps can lead to significant productivity gains if you are willing to take the time to change your work habits. Don’t rush things. Instead, take small steps and develop them as you find what works best for you.
  2. Having to report to someone can often motivate you to get things done. Accountability is vital, whether you meet weekly with a colleague or set your deadlines and announce them to others.
  3. It’s more important to move on than dwell on your mistakes, so forgive yourself. You are human, so from time to time, you will make mistakes, get distracted, and have a terrible day.

Why does multitasking hinder creativity?

Allowing our brains to follow a logical path of connected thoughts and ideas is the key to innovative thinking. The more we can focus on one line of thought for an extended period, the more likely we will come up with a breakthrough idea.

The brain functions like a muscle: when used, it becomes stronger. Concentrating on one task to the exclusion of all others can strengthen our mental connections, leading to increased work efficiency.

How to practice single-tasking instead of multitasking?

Create an environment that encourages doing one task to the best of your ability. It is unlikely that we can spend hours on one thing, but even five minutes on one task can be beneficial.

Steps you can take to get single-tasking skills:

  1. Some employees may need to install employee management software such as Yaware TimeTracker. The program has the function of blocking specific sites or pages on social networks so as not to be distracted. You must work on the habit of focusing.
  2. Work on one screen only: put away your mobile phone and turn off the second monitor.
  3. If you lose concentration by rereading the same sentence over and over, or if your mind continues to wander off-topic, get up and take a walk. A short walk around the office or home will invigorate you, reduce hunger and help you focus.

Distraction is what happens when

We must recognize that our primitive heritage distracts us whenever we work. Our brains are programmed to respond instantly to predators to save our lives. So if you get distracted, don’t be too hard on yourself.

Our brains have not given up on this ancient survival mechanism, even though lifestyles have changed. The more we work, concentrating on one task and ignoring distractions, the more we train our frontal lobes and a more developed part of the brain. This makes it easier to focus.

Employee management software is an additional tool that motivates you not to be distracted. Sign up for a free trial period to see how the program works in practice.




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