Does Employee Monitor Software Really Help Improve Work Productivity?

5 min readJul 26, 2022


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Are you convinced that your employees are underperforming? Do you suspect that they are idle too often during the working day, and this affects their level of productivity? If yes, then you may have questions regarding the implementation of employee monitoring software.

Let’s face it — employees who feel pressure will not be productive. They will also want to snatch a few minutes of idleness to relieve tension. And after that, they will continue to work at the same level.

In this article, we will look at whether employees feel pressure from working with a time tracker? What considerations need to be taken before installation, as well as some possible tactics for getting the most out of the program without negatively impacting employee morale.

What is employee monitoring software?

Employee monitoring software is a digital tool that helps executives understand how productive teams are in a company. With it, you can track the time spent by employees on each task, monitor staff performance, and provide real-time information about the number and quality of completed tasks. Employee monitoring software has different functionality. Some key features to look out for are:

  • accurate accounting of offline and online activities;
  • formation of staff productivity charts and timesheets;
  • photos from cameras and screenshots;
  • task tracking and rapid reporting.

Why Use Employee Monitoring Software?

The main goal of leaders is to increase the productivity of the team and reduce unnecessary expenses. The tracker shows how much time employees spend on work tasks, breaks, and watching social media feeds and YouTube videos. The program is important to use if the team has remote workers or freelancers. So, managers can be sure that their subordinates during the working day are engaged in the implementation of tasks that are consistent with the goals of the company.

It is worth noting that the program is used as an auxiliary tool, and not as a way to punish employees or limit their rest. On the contrary, managers can receive notifications when one of the employees was carried away by work and did not take a lunch break, or has regular overtime.

The time tracker automatically generates timesheets, so companies devote more time to strategic tasks instead of manual routine work. And in the meantime, employees do not need to manually record the time of arrival and departure from work, because the program does all this.

Managers note that an important factor is the safety of commercial information. Therefore, the tracker is used to prevent data leakage during the work of subordinates. The program captures all the actions that occur on a computer or laptop. An employee who raises suspicions of misuse of company information may be subject to additional monitoring methods, such as screenshots, camera photos, or a closer check of the employee’s PC activity reports.

Benefits of Using Employee Monitoring Software

Each company, depending on the purpose of using the program, mentions its advantages. We will list the ones that are often mentioned in the reviews.

Improving Efficiency

Employee monitoring software helps streamline workflow and reduce company overhead. Each employee sees statistics about their productivity and can make changes to the workflow in order to do more in the same period of time.

Improving Communication

A clear understanding of tasks and projects by employees and a real-time display of work processes will help to avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings. This can reduce the chance of conflicts and increase the transparency of your business. That is, both the manager and the subordinate have access to activity reports on a computer or laptop. This will serve as the basis for an objective assessment of the situation and its solution.

Easier tracking

For any project, task or service, employee monitoring software can help you track progress and identify bottlenecks. This will help you plan ahead and avoid potential problems or delays.

Duration of work of employees in the company

Monitoring software can give your company a more accurate picture of employee performance and help with employee retention. It is likely that the help of a manager may be needed both for an employee who is regularly delayed at work, and for someone who is already looking for a new job on job sites. Companies receive such information using time tracker reports.

Key considerations when choosing the right solution

There are a number of key factors you need to consider when choosing an employee monitoring solution, including:

  • how well the solution meets your specific business needs;
  • how much it will cost to implement it, as well as the level of customization and scalability of the solution;
  • ease of setting up the program, especially if you manage many employees;
  • features and security measures that are implemented in the solution.

Other important features include:

  1. Functionality

This should include an appropriate level of data access, permissions, and reporting.

2) Customer Support

You will use the software every day. Rest assured that you can quickly resolve any issues that arise with the customer support department.

3) Ease of use

A solution that will be intuitive, will simplify the process of integration into the company. Choose simple and functional trackers for work.

4) Cost

Finally, you also have to consider how costly an employee monitoring solution is. This will help you determine which solution is the most cost-effective for your company.


Employee monitoring software can help improve employee performance and drive engagement. In this article, we’ve covered what employee monitoring software is, the benefits of using it, and some considerations to keep in mind when choosing a program.

When you implement a tracker in a company, you will notice a difference in how your employees perform their work. They will be much more attentive and responsible for working time and will be able to focus on completing tasks. This will help you achieve more results in less time. Employee monitoring software has become even more important in today’s complex work environment. In an environment where there are so many distractions and a lot of information flow, it is very important for businesses to track and manage work time effectively. And pay for the time that was really worked out by the team.

If you are still unsure about any issue or are in doubt about how to implement an employee monitoring system in your business, we recommend that you contact a software development company, such as Yaware, that will help you choose the right solution for your specific needs and budget.




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