12 Tips That Will Help To Improve Your Concentration

5 min readMar 30, 2023


Concentration is the ability to focus one’s attention and energy on a particular task or activity, without distractions or other various stimuli. When an employee is concentrated, they can be more productive and effective in their work because their attention is focused on the task at hand.

Concentration requires attention management, which may include using various time management techniques, creating a comfortable work environment, and focusing on the most important tasks. The ability to focus on work and sustain concentration throughout the day are quite important skills to succeed in any endeavor.

And while maintaining concentration at work can be a real challenge, especially if you need to spend a lot of time in front of a computer, a poor ability to concentrate can have a negative impact on your productivity during the workday.

So, here are 12 practical tips to help you stay focused at work:

1. Start by observing yourself

A poor ability to concentrate can be expressed in different ways: some people can’t listen attentively, others quickly lose the main point when working mentally, and others are constantly distracted by the surrounding noise. Start analyzing yourself. Identify when you can’t focus, what distracts you, and how you can explain it. The more often you observe yourself, the more accurately you will find a method to improve your ability to concentrate.

2. Do not take on several things at once

Many people believe that by multitasking, they are more productive. But in reality, this is not true. Have you ever wondered what happens to your brain when you’re on the phone with a client, typing a business email on your computer, and listening to a colleague sitting next to you? At least one of your tasks will not be completed efficiently with this approach, because the brain does not have time to perceive and process so much information at once. But you will be able to improve the quality of your attention if you do only one thing. After all, concentration is the retention of attention on one object, and you can only fully concentrate when you do one thing.

3. Gather your thoughts

Concentration requires calmness, both external and internal. So before you start working, be sure to relax and collect your thoughts. Put aside all thoughts related to your other responsibilities, so you can come directly to what you need to do. Then think about the best way on how you can achieve your goals and fulfill the requirements. Only then you should get to work.

4. Plan your day

Since concentration involves focusing on only one activity, making a plan will help you. Organize all the tasks and responsibilities that need to be completed in the plan. It can be a plan for a day, a week, or even a whole month. When making such a plan, ask yourself the following questions. What will I do, when and after what actions? It is also advisable to write down the time when you would like to do this or that work.

5. Train your memory

The better our memory is developed, the better we operate with information, which means we can concentrate better at work. Try to do memory training exercises and read more every day to improve your memory, and thus develop your ability to concentrate.

6. Motivate yourself

If the task is interesting, we can handle it with ease. However, the situation is completely different when we have to work with tasks that we don’t like. We need an incentive to get ourselves to do these things. So, try to find a benefit and gain for yourself in any business.

7. Avoid overworking yourself

How many tasks do you take on a day, and how many of them do you complete? The more tasks we take on, the more likely we are to get stressed. A huge amount of workload impedes the free flow of our energy and weakens the power of concentration. So plan your workday carefully, include only what you can accomplish, and don’t put off everything until the last minute.

8. Make your workplace comfortable

When we are comfortable at our desk, our performance and concentration increase. The workplace environment plays a crucial role in this. The more it meets the requirements of our body, the better we work and the less tired we get, which means we can concentrate longer. Pay attention to the correct chair height, your posture at the desk, the lighting, and the distance between the monitor and your eyes. All of this contributes to our concentration.

9. Take breaks

It’s impossible to work in concentration for a long time. It may be surprising, but those who work without breaks and pauses are not working efficiently. Give your brain a chance to rest. At certain intervals, pause for 5–15 minutes to allow your body to rest a little. You can take a walk, talk to your colleagues, or, if you work from home, take a shower. Also, do not forget to ventilate the room you are working in.

10. Set clear goals

If you have no goal, you will not achieve anything. Anyone who performs a task without focusing on the goal wastes their energy and distracts their attention. You should set goals for each activity. Set a goal before you start a task, as well as the time it will take you to achieve that goal.

11. Get enough sleep

Some people need more sleep, others need less. But anyone who hasn’t had enough sleep will experience a decrease in performance and concentration. If you get enough sleep on a regular basis, you will significantly increase your ability to concentrate.

12. Keep your workplace organized

For many people, keeping their desks organized is a matter of course. If you are not one of these people, then you should learn how to keep your workplace organized. Having a tidy desk directly affects your productivity and concentration. For example, if you have only the papers and printouts you need at the moment on your desk, you won’t need to waste time and energy looking for the right document if your desk is a paper chaos.

Of course, there are a lot of distractions, but remember that everything is in your hands. Be persistent, patient, and consistent in achieving your goal. It depends only on your actions whether things will go out of your control or whether you will purposefully fulfill the tasks you set for yourself.




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